The Corner

Home Computer Network — a Bleg

I am in the early planning stages of upgrading the Derb computers. Final

result will be a home network (in my 3-storey house — computers on all 3


Naturally I’ve been thinking of a wireless home network. However, because

of some remodeling I’m doing, it would be no big thing to “fish” cables

through all the necessary wall cavities. Seems to me a cable network would

be more robust and secure than a wireless one.

But is that right? Is the difference worth bothering with? Shall I end up

paying more for my machines with cable connectors, since manufacturers

assume everyone wants wireless nowadays? If my desktops are all

cable-connected, can I still network in a wireless laptop?

Any brief, knowledgeable comments much appreciated. To,

please, with subject line WIRELESS OR CABLE.

Thank you in advance.

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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