The Corner

On the Home Page

The Editors show how Obamacare is a paradigm of the law of unintended consequences.

Rich Lowry answers critics of the GOP’s Pledge to America, left and right.

Jonah Goldberg takes up the same subject, examines the commentariat’s differing perspectives, and concludes that everyone is right.

Lauren Weiner reviews Sean Wilentz’ Bob Dylan in America.

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher calls for action against the Burmese junta for its pursuit of nuclear weapons.

Michelle Malkin criticizes Democrats for using nepotism, political leverage, and plain corruption to secure their mansions and country homes.

Charles Krauthammer puzzles at Democrats who would nationalize this election, since doing so will just help Republicans.

Mona Charen detects shades of LBJ and Vietnam in Obama’s attitude to Afghanistan.

Andrew Stiles finds a Georgia Democrat whose corruption scandals may have thrown his seat into play.

Matthew Shaffer — Mr. Shaffer is a former William F. Buckley Fellow of the National Review Institute.
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