The Corner

On the Homepage

Rich Lowry shows that accountability, not money, is what’s really lacking in public education.

Jonah Goldberg explains why every branch of government should care about the Constitution.

Charles Krauthammer wonders why Obama is keeping troops in a war he doesn’t have the will to fight.

Mytheos Holt exposes how, contrary to union rhetoric, Ohio Dems are the real crony capitalists.

Roger Clegg and Abigail Thernstrom warn that the handling of the NBPP voter-intimidation case is part of a trend.

Jonathan H. Adler expects that the environmental movement will soon get a reality check.

Henry Olsen explains why the working class could propel Republicans to victory in West Virginia.

David Kahane has his tongue in his cheeck.

Mona Charen says that changes in marriage, not the free market, are responsible for growing income inequality.

Michelle Malkin argues that Stephen Colbert’s testimony shows a lack of compassion. 

Matthew Shaffer — Mr. Shaffer is a former William F. Buckley Fellow of the National Review Institute.
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