The Corner


Hope after Roe for Women Who Are Pregnant and Scared, from the Sisters of Life

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National Review alumna Katie Yoder wrote about my beloved friends the Sisters of Life last week:

“In the heart of every woman is the longing to be heard. To be understood. To be believed in,” Sr. Marie Veritas, SV, told [The Catholic News Agency]. “To be seen for her unique beauty and goodness . . . a beauty and goodness that all too often she doesn’t see in herself.”

Among other things, the Sisters of Life

dedicate their lives to serving women vulnerable to abortion, offering life-affirming support to pregnant women in need, hosting retreats, evangelizing, practicing outreach to college students, and helping women who suffer after abortion.

Katie interviewed Sr. Marie Veritas, who listed eight messages of hope that the sisters want to tell any pregnant woman who might be struggling and considering abortion. After she gets comfortable and settled and loved, the Sisters — and any one of us — should want a pregnant woman to know, “Your dreams are not out of reach.”

The interview continues:

There are real options that will get you back on your feet again, never regretting what might have been,” Sr. Marie Veritas urged. “You don’t need to feel pressured to have an abortion.”

She also stressed that “circumstances can change.”

“It may seem like this pregnancy could not have come at a worse time,” she said. “Perhaps, you know your family will be disappointed and you expect that they will not support you. You are terrified that your dreams and plans for the future will never be realized. The struggles of your current situation are real, but hope holds the promise of a new beginning.”

Before making a decision, she encouraged women to “Give yourself space.”

“Impulsive decisions may lead to regret,” she cautioned. “We make the best choices when our hearts are calm. Allow yourself time to research all the facts and think clearly through the options. There is time to make a plan that will bring you to a place of freedom and to a decision you won’t regret.”

At the same time, she said, women should remember that they have support: “Secret decisions lead to heartache,” she said, adding, “You are not alone.”

You can read the whole piece here.

And make sure all the young women and men know they have no reason to be scared of you if they find themselves pregnant and afraid. We must be available to help. And the Sisters of Life sure do.

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