The Corner

The “Hopelessly Ill” DO Change Their Minds About Suicide

As Canada rushes to give suicidal sick and disabled people an enforceable right to be made dead, and California prepares to institute legalized assisted for the terminally ill, supporters applaud and congratulate themselves on being oh, so compassionate.

But they are the opposite (unintentionally).

Some of the people who will die if they have ready access to termination would have changed their minds and wanted to live, if given the time and chance to get past the darkness.

I have known such once suicidal people who were happy to have regained the will to live. 

One even had ALS, the flag disease used to push the euthanasia agenda forward.

Now, an Italian man, who unexpectedly has survived ALS and gone on to a successful career in public service, mentions he almost went to a suicide clinic. From the Bioedge story:

Mario Melazzini was named president by the Minister of Health in January 2016, after the previous president stood down as a result of accusations of conflict of interest. Melazzini, a 57-year-old doctor, was diagnosed with ALS in 2002. The average life expectancy for sufferers with this condition is around five years.

Melazzini himself is wheelchair-bound and depends on a ventilator and on parenteral nutrition. In the summer of 2003 he had an appointment at an assisted suicide clinic in Switzerland; but he never showed up. Melazzini describes his change of plans simply: “at some point, I stopped looking back”.

When I tell stories such as this to people who support euthanasia, their eyes glaze or get an impatient look: “Well, he didn’t kill himself,” they sniff. “So, what’s the problem?”

“But he would have if death had been as easily obtained as you want!” I say to a concrete wall of indifference.

Here’s the thing. There will be people in Canada, California–and no doubt have been in Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Oregon, Washington, and Vermont–who would have regained the desire to live, except they never made it to that point because death was so readily accessible and pushed as “dignity.”

And we will never know who they are because of …compassssionnn.

Dedicated suicide prevention for those wanting euthanasia could save and extend lives–if we cared enough to apply such care to everyone wanting to die.

Oh, Wesley! You just want people to suffer. 

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