The Corner

House Headlines

AZ-5: Bloomberg News: “Clinton, Back in the Limelight, Stumps From Arizona to Florida“; latest poll: Hayworth (R) 46%; Mitchell (D) 48%

AZ-8: Reuters: “Hispanics may swing some close elections“; latest poll: Graf (R) 41%, Giffords (D) 52%

CO-4: Rocky Mountain News: “Blues stump in red territory: Weld Co. rally takes rural tone as party eyes state dominance“; latest poll: Musgrave (R) 44%, Paccione (D) 43%

CO-7: Rocky Mountain News: “Calls, knocks and high-fives: Volunteers mount impressive drive to turn out the faithful“; latest poll: O’Donnell (R) 40%, Perlmutter (D) 54%

CT-2,4,5: Washington Post: “Moderate Republicans Try to Blur Party Lines“; latest poll: CT-2: Simmons (R) 47%, Courtney (D) 42%; CT-4: Shays (R) 44%, Farrell (D) 51%; CT-5: Johnson (R) 43%, Murphy (D) 46%

CT-2: AP: “Sprawling 2nd Congressional district spawns another close race“; Norwich Bulletin: “Top Democrat, Simmons trade barbs about sub production“; “Lieberman campaign blasts Simmons ad“; latest poll: Simmons (R) 47%, Courtney (D) 42%

CT-4: Greenwich Time: “Campaigns confident in final hours“; Hartford Courant: “Voter Mood Still In Flux: Pundits Predict Rout; Poll Shows GOP Gain“; latest poll: Shays (R) 44%, Farrell (D) 51%

FL-13: Bradenton Herald: “Hopefuls rally to secure voters“; latest poll: Buchanan (R) 41%, Jennings (D) 52%

FL-16: Fort Pierce Tribune: “Losing Foley could cost us“; latest poll: Negron (R) 43%, Mahoney (D) 50%

FL-22: Palm Beach Post: “Hopefuls hit the pews and the news“; latest poll: Shaw (R) 39%, Klein (D) 49%

IA-1: New York Times: “Iowa 1 Appears Ready to End Ticket-Splitting, Elect Democrat“; Wall Street Journal: “Protectionist Stance Is Gaining Clout“; Quad-City Times: “Poll says Braley opens wide lead“; Chicago Daily Herald: “It’s an Election Day to watch“; latest poll: Whalen (R) 53%, Braley (D) 56%

IL-6: Chicago Sun-Times: “Campaigns reach ‘ground game’ stage“; Chicago Tribune: “A look at some House races“; latest poll: Roskam (R) 40%, Duckworth (D) 54%

IN-2,8,9: Washington Post: “Hoosier Races Aren’t Following the Usual Script“; latest poll: IN-2: Chocola (R) 47%, Donnelly (D) 50%; IN-8: Hostettler (R) 43%, Ellsworth (D) 50%; IN-9: Sodrel (R) 46%, Hill (D) 44%

IN-9: Washington Post: “Campaigns Implore the Party Faithful To Bring Their Loyalty to the Polls“; Perry County News: “Battle for 9th District fuels voters’ interest“; WISH TV News: “Hill, Sodrel Do Last Minute Campaigning for 9th District“; latest poll: Sodrel (R) 46%, Hill (D) 44%

KY-2: Lexington Herald-Leader: “Tight House races in final push for votes“; ”McConnell joins Lewis as congressional campaigns near end“; latest poll: Lewis (R) 43%, Weaver (D) 46%

KY-3: Louisville Courier-Journal: “Watchdog Earth: Candidates on the environment“; latest poll: Northup (R) 44%, Yarmuth (D) 52%

KY-4: Lexington Herald-Leader: “Davis vs. Lucas: May the best last-minute effort win“; latest poll: Davis (R) 42%, Lucas (D) 45%

NH-2: Concord Monitor: “GOP group ends disputed phone calls: Messages sent to Do Not Call Registry“; latest poll: Bass (R) 47%, Hodes (D) 46%

NV-3: Las Vegas Sun: “Parties push to get voter turnout“; latest poll: Porter (R) 46%, Hafen (D) 39%

NY-20: AP: “Clintons team up to rally faithful“; latest poll: Sweeney (R) 43%, Gillibrand (D) 46% 

NY-24: Ithaca Journal: “Arcuri rallies supporters in Lansing“; latest poll: Meier (R) 42%, Arcuri (D) 53%

NY-25,26,29: Rochester Democrat and Chronicle: “Voter turnout critical in tight contests“; latest poll: NY-25: Walsh (R) 44%, Maffei (D) 42%; NY-26: Reynolds (R) 50%, Davis (D) 46%; NY-29: Kuhl (R) 40%, Massa (D) 52%

NY-26: Buffalo News: “GOP may face ‘long night’ Tuesday, Reynolds concedes“; latest poll: Reynolds (R) 50%, Davis (D) 46%

OH-1: Cincinnati Enquirer: “Last task: Crank up turnout; Campaigns try to get their backers to polls“; latest poll: Chabot (R) 40%, Cranley (D) 49%

PA-6,7,8,10: Washington Times: “Democrats focus on Pennsylvania“; latest poll: PA-6: Gerlach (R) 44%, Murphy (D) 49%; PA-7: Weldon (R) 43%, Sestak (D) 50%; PA-8: Fitzpatrick (R) 41%, Murphy (D) 46%; PA-10: Sherwood (R) 38%, Carney (D) 47%

PA-6: Washington Post: “Parties Crank Up Voter Turnout Efforts: Amid the Last-Minute Blitz, Some Polls Hold Positive Signs for Republicans“; Phoenixville News: ”Decision 2006 coming Tuesday“; Philadelphia Daily News: “Battling down to the wire“; latest poll: Gerlach (R) 44%, Murphy (D) 49%

PA-7: CNN News: ”Iraq helps election winds favor Democrats, analysts say“; Phoenixville News: “Sestak stumps in Phoenixville“; latest poll: Weldon (R) 43%, Sestak (D) 50%

PA-8: New York Times: “National Issues, Led by Iraq, Dominate Final Appeals in Congressional Campaigns“; AP: “Fitzpatrick, Murphy Run Marathon Campaign Monday“; Financial Times: “Hopes run low for Republicans“; latest poll: Fitzpatrick (R) 41%, Murphy (D) 46%

PA-10: Pocono Record: “Ad nauseam: Election blitz leaves many voters numb“; latest poll: Sherwood (R) 38%, Carney (D) 47%

TX-22: Houston Chronicle: “Hopefuls reach out in final stretch: Sekula-Gibbs, Lampson hope that knocking on voters’ doors gets them in House“; “Lawyers stand by in Dist. 22: The campaigns of Sekula-Gibbs, Lampson prepare for possibility of a close vote tally“; latest poll: Sekula-Gibbs (R) 28%, Lampson (D) 36%

VA-2: Virginian-Pilot: “Busy hopefuls Drake, Kellam were on Sunday best behavior“; “Endorsements summary: Vote Webb, Drake and No on No. 1“; WTKR News: “Some In Hampton Roads Still Unsure Who To Vote For“; AP: “Virginia-House Race“; latest poll: Drake (R) 51%, Kellam (D) 43%

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