The Corner

House Leaders Working to Satisfy Blue Dogs on Deficit Controls

According to Congressional Quarterly:

House Democratic leaders have offered to support stricter deficit control measures to gain the support of Blue Dog Democrats for a fiscal 2010 budget agreement hammered out late last night.

House-Senate conferees reached a deal late Monday on a final budget resolution that lacks the assurances sought by the conservative Blue Dog Democrats in the House that both chambers were on track to adopt statutory pay-as-you-go controls.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi , D-Calif., and Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer , D-Md., drafted a letter outlining their commitment to make sure that new entitlement spending or tax cuts that would increase the deficit are offset with spending cuts or tax hikes elsewhere.


 “We are in agreement with Blue Dogs that we are very serious about PAYGO,” Hoyer said.

But here is a question for you, Mr. Hoyer: Why aren’t you also subjecting the FY2010 budget and the spending increases it contains to PAYGO as your party promised it would?

Also, earlier this month I wrote about when deficits matter here.

Veronique de Rugy is a senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.
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