The Corner

Housekeeping [3] — Long Walk

More fallout from recent posts & columns.

The long walk. Surprising level of interest on this from readers, so much so I’ve written it up as a column for the next issue of NRODT. Brief answers to some common questions.

Did I do some kind of working out in preparation for the walk? — No, though of course I should have. Hence …

Was I stiff and sore the day after? — Words cannot describe.

What did I pack? — Energy bars. Bottle of water. Tylenol. Vaseline (for feet). Elastic bandages (for joints). Spare bootlaces. Maps (printed off Google Maps, marked at 5-mile intervals). Cash (not too much, as my itinerary passed through a couple of “vibrant” neighborhoods). SIG P-239 (nah, just kidding). Discman, spare batteries, and Teaching Company course (this one — bad choice, too demanding, talking books would have been better).

What did I forget to pack? — Sunscreen: got an interesting lobster effect. Headband, essential if you sweat & wear glasses.

How’d I get home? — Reached Manhattan 10:15pm. Took cab to Penn Station. Next train home 11:09, arrives 12:13. Phoned wife, asked her to pick me up from the home station. She: “No way. I’m going to bed. Why did I marry a lunatic? Why?” So rode train home, took cab from station. As I said, going on impromptu 14-hour walks is a guy thing, wives don’t get it at all.

Sleep well? — Oddly I wasn’t the least bit sleepy when I got home. I sat up watching late shows, drinking bourbon, and soaking feet.

Who is Mrs. S.? — Flying fingers, I meant Mrs. D. Honestly!

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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