The Corner


How Does the ‘Diversity and Inclusion’ Agenda Affect Students?

(Rattankun Thongbun/iStock/Getty Images)

“Diversity and Inclusion!” has become one of those pet phrases of the left that you don’t dare question. Everyone is supposed to accept that it’s kindly and beneficial. Doubters must be evil people.

Two doubters, Rebekah Wanik and Nina Powell of the National University of Singapore have recently written an “emperor is wearing no clothes” essay for Minding the Campus. They make a strong case that “diversity and inclusion” is harmful for students.

Here’s a key paragraph: “Contrary to its intended aims, the inclusivity agenda works to disadvantage all students. Those who came to the classroom equipped to deal with educational hurdles become bored and disengage as their dissatisfaction with completing simple assignments develops into the realization that they have spent their time at university in vapid pursuits. And those who came to the classroom ill-equipped to mount these hurdles will leave still disadvantaged, gaining none of the experience necessary to develop that which they lacked.”

The world of education has long been rocked by fads that “experts” embraced (such as whole language reading and student self-esteem) that were harmful. Let’s put “diversity and inclusion” on that list.

Read the whole thing.

George Leef is the the director of editorial content at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. He is the author of The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale: A Political Fable for Our Time.
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