The Corner

How Obama Killed the D.C. School-Voucher Program

While Obama always talks up the value of non-ideological solutions to bad public schools, he was quick to sign a bill last month that cancels a federally-funded D.C. school-voucher program after the 2009-2010 school year, unless Congress and the District government act to reauthorize it.

For more on this, watch this new Reason.TV video. It features some of the kids, and their parents, who have benefited from D.C. school vouchers, and who have so much to lose from Obama’s double-talk on education policy.

“Out of everything else they can shut down or everything else they can advocate for, they want to take this one thing away?” Adds her mother, Ingrid, “We voted for you, we walked, we went to the parade, we stood freezing. Why? . . . Can you get this tape over to Obama and have him answer our questions? Why, sir, why?”

Veronique de Rugy is a senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.
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