The Corner

How to Spot a Naked Prostitute

It’s a tough life for international bureaucrats. They have challenges we can never understand. From today’s Wall Street Journal, the story about Dominique Strauss-Kahn being detained by police for questioning about his involvement in an international prostitution ring:

According to French news reports, Mr. Strauss-Kahn allegedly was invited to parties by the prostitution ring that took place in Paris as well as in Washington—with the last one taking place in the U.S. capital just days before Mr. Strauss-Kahn’s ill-fated trip to New York.

Here’s the best part. Note the lawyer’s explanation:

In a colorful exchange in a recent radio interview, Mr. Leclerc said the former IMF chief wasn’t aware that the women at these parties were prostitutes. “He could well have not realized it, because you see, in these parties, one is not necessarily clothed and I challenge you to tell a naked prostitute from a naked worldly woman,” Mr. Leclerc told Europe 1 radio.

Now who could fail to sympathize with such problems?

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