The Corner

Hrc For Hrc

To the many things that irritate the Left about Hillary Rodham Clinton, add her success at fundraising and her desire to use the money she raises to advance the interests of…Hillary Rodham Clinton. From Markos Moulitsas of the DailyKos:

That’s it. Four fundraising emails in the last three days from the Hillary operation and that was it. I could unsubscribe, sure, but it’s easier to add her address to my spam filter.

She’s got some stupid “contest” between the “Paul Begala Team” and the “James Carville Team”. And the emails are full of alarmist crap like:

“The 2006 elections are right around the corner, and the GOP is in full swing to throw everything they can at Hillary. And the worst thing we can do is sit on our hands […]

Let’s not kid ourselves, Hillary is in for a fight. Team Hillary Supporters will enable her to be prepared for whatever they throw at her.”

Hillary is in a fight? For 2008, perhaps. But it’s absolutely clear that the GOP is not throwing everything at her. In fact, their efforts to find a candidate to challenge Clinton border on pathetic.

Perhaps it’s time for her to use some of that fundraising prowess to help out other Democrats? She’s got $17 million and no real prospect of being seriously challenged.

If she wants to fundraise for 2008, all the power to her. But she could be honest about it. Pretending to raise this money for a non-existent Senate contest is simply obnoxious.

Byron York is a former White House correspondent for National Review.
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