The Corner

Huge Vote Today on Stupak Pro-Life Amendment

In an encouraging development, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been forced to agree to a vote on fellow Democrat Bart Stupak’s amendment that would prevent the health-care legislation from leading to widespread federal funding of abortion. An excerpt from this report:

Douglas Johnson, the legislative director of the National Right to Life Committee, told … that the vote on the Stupak [amendment] could be the most important abortion-related vote cast in Congress since Roe.

“This will be one of the most important roll call votes that U.S. House members ever casts on a pro-life issue,” he said. “Any lawmaker who votes against the Stupak-Pitts Amendment is, in effect, voting in favor of establishing a federal government program that will directly fund abortion on demand, with federal funds.”

Johnson urged all pro-life advocates to call both the Washington and in-state offices of their representatives in the U.S. House to urge support for the Stupak-Pitts Amendment.

The vote is expected to take place today. Information on how to contact your House member is available here.

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