The Corner

Health Care

On the Care of Small Babies

There’s a new line of “Little Snugglers Nano Preemie Diapers” for babies born extremely early. Huggies released it last year, but I read about it only today. The diapers are for the 1.4 percent of infants who are born weighing less than two pounds. As Rebecca Shapiro explains in HuffPost, “The company sought the expertise of nurses working in Neonatal Intensive Care Units and neonatal therapists to create a product that promotes growth while protecting premature babies’ fragile skin.”

Why make a diaper like this? Because babies are precious, whatever their size. Said one Huggies executive, “We’re passionate about helping all babies thrive, especially the smallest and most fragile.”

It’s for babies like Austin James, born at 25 weeks, 1 pound 14 ounces. Because babies deserve care and protection, whatever their stage of development.

American medicine is continuing to make advances in the treatment of “micro preemies.” Babies who would once have been written off are now saved. Because a civilized country will make heroic efforts to protect lives.

Godspeed, marchers.

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