The Corner

Hype Over Old News

The networks cranked up the hype machine this morning. ABC began: “NSA bombshell!” NBC found a “shocking new report!”  CBS called it a “stunning report.” All three were responding to the new USA Today story that the government has collected a database of the nation’s phone records since 9/11. One problem: the New York Times reported this last Christmas eve. Clearly to the three DNC-TV networks, newness is overrated, but “shocking” new details of Bush supposedly violating your civil liberties just never lose their appeal.

MRC’s Rich Noyes wondered: “Given that another government agency — the IRS — maintains information on American citizens’ employment, banking, investments, mortgages, charitable contributions and even any declared medical expenses, this hardly seems like a major assault on personal liberty.” Ooh! Shocking new report! The IRS has a database with your personal information in it! That story is just waiting to be discovered.

Tim GrahamTim Graham is Director of Media Analysis at the Media Research Center, where he began in 1989, and has served there with the exception of 2001 and 2002, when served ...
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