The Corner

I Haven’t Had a Martini, But…

Some instant early bird response to the F-pods:

1. The obvious response to Novak is: you’ve been sitting across these two pathetic snarling paid liars for the Clintons for THIS long, and this is the first time you got up? Amazing. I think that if I was in his shoes, and heard they were coming in as co-hosts, I would have said, “Well, the money’s been nice, but I can’t sit with these people who would deny Clinton was having an affair if we were watching it unfold live on television during halftime of the Super Bowl.” Indeed, the one time I “made it” on Crossfire — in the middle of hot war in Baghdad in a just-a-bit-slightly-truncated five-minute version — I almost immediately taunted Begala about “your boy Clinton.” If I’d gotten Python Head instead, it would have been worse. I would have probably joined J-Pod in the mike-tossing hall of fame.

2. As for the blue Big Bird knockoff, several points. A. The neighbors seem like uptight jerks to me. They’d probably pop those kids’ kick-balls if they landed on their “historic” lawns. B. You’ve got to laugh at the last sentence, urging “Stay with Local 6 for the latest developments on Blue Bird-gate.” Wow, that’s what I went to J-school to cover! C. This will not end pretty. Those greedy non-profiteers at Sesame Workshop will probably sue for copyright infringement.

Tim GrahamTim Graham is Director of Media Analysis at the Media Research Center, where he began in 1989, and has served there with the exception of 2001 and 2002, when served ...
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