The Corner

I Took a Fat Chance

All three of my guesses were wrong on the anti-obesity amendment — the courageous anti-anti-obesity congressmen were Louie Gohmert (R., Tex.), Steve King (R., Iowa) and Dave Weldon (R/. Fla.). They were the ones to vote against a resolution expressing the sense of the House that schools should choose foods for their school lunch menus that do not make kids fat.   What to make of Ron Paul’s “aye” vote? Is he selling out to win the presidential race?   A Paul staffer informs me: “It was a sense of Congress [resolution]. It was harmless. It didn’t do anything.” Also, he said, Dr. Paul figures that as long as there is a school lunch program, the least we can do is make sure it isn’t doing too much damage to American children.   Well, okay. I would have still thought of this vote as a teachable moment for the American people. After all, it’s not often that someone like Paul gets all this attention. The wave of interest in him as the anti-war Republican gives him a nice platform from which to explain to liberals why socialism is bad.

Meanwhile, I couldn’t bear the thought of a big burger by the time I got to the bar. I went for the IPA instead and washed it down with clam chowder. But at least I had a choice…

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