The Corner

An Idol Dissent

An e-mail:

I enjoy your writing and appreciate the work you put in to keep that high-maintenance collection of ‘healthy’ egos at NRO from imploding into a testosterone singularity, thus blowing a donut hole through space-time that would land the entire cosmos on Jonah’s sofa.…BUT…You need your hearing checked. Chris? the all-around best performer on AI?  Puh-leeze.  Only if all-around is defined as a universe where everything sounds like a Live cover. And, he got cocky:

1) the “boxer briefs” comment?  (How could a red-state boy think a Clinton reference was a good thing? Didn’t he want any votes below the Mason Dixon line?)2) the recitation of his fan websites (Chris-aholics, etc.)3) the cheesy sunglass pull-off during ‘Little More Conversation”.  Wayne Newton would’ve been embarassed by that move.Nobody likes cocky.Eliot – now, that’s the guy you should support.  1) He’s modest2) He pays attention to reality (criticism) and alters his behavior accordingly3) ) He loves his mom.Eliot – clearly the conservative choice.

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