The Corner

I’ll Sort of Miss Chris Shays

David Freddoso suggests a few silver linings. I disagree with this one:

9) Rep. Chris Shays (R., Conn.) finally lost.

Shays was no conservative, of course. His ACU rating was a measly 45 percent. But he got a few things right: He favored the surge in Iraq, free trade, and the Patriot Act. He was the best a conservative could hope for in Connecticut’s fourth district. (No other Connecticut rep has an ACU rating that breaks into double digits.) His loss is a gain for liberalism. It’s sad to see yet another New England Republican go down to defeat. They’re an endangered species, headed to extinction. This is not a trend to cheer.

John J. Miller, the national correspondent for National Review and host of its Great Books podcast, is the director of the Dow Journalism Program at Hillsdale College. He is the author of A Gift of Freedom: How the John M. Olin Foundation Changed America.
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