The Corner

I’m Against That, Too

I don’t know much about this “9-11 Christian Center” that’s not in this press release (or discernible from their website) . But let me just say that I think the idea is gross and reeks of PR-stunt exploitation. If that puts me on the same side as Keith Olbermann so be it.  An excerpt from the press release:


Liveprayer’s Bill Keller Upset Press Endorses “victory mosque” but not his

Christian Center!

The leader of an internet ministry that has over 2.4 million

subscribers worldwide reading his Daily Devotional, responds to the Press

endorsement of the new Islamic ground zero “victory mosque,” yet condemns

his new 9-11 Christian Center at Ground Zero


Video from Countdown with Keith Olbermann condemning “9-11 Christian Center

at Ground Zero:”

September 2, 2010 – St Petersburg, Fla. Bill Keller, leader of the world’s

largest interactive Christian website for 11 years,, has

harshly criticized the mainstream press endorsement of the “ground zero

victory mosque,” while condemning the opening of his new 9-11 Christian

Center at Ground Zero.  Keller states, “The mainstream press has been

supportive of the memorial being built by Muslims to their greatest military

victory in the 1400 years of Islam, 9/11/2001, yet they are condemning our

new 9-11 Christian Center at Ground Zero.”

Keller goes on, “When talking about the mosque, the press labeled anyone who

didn’t think it was in good taste as ‘Islamaphobic,’ as ‘haters,’ yet are

now calling me every derogatory name you can think of for opening a

Christian Center by ground zero to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

Keller’s “9-11 Christian Center at Ground Zero” has been not only been

featured on MSNBC, but far left media sites like, The Huffington

Post, and the Daily Kos to name a few.

Keller’s 9-11 Christian Center will begin holding services this Sunday,

September 5th in the ballroom of the New York Marriott by ground zero

through the end of the year.  They will move into their permanent facility

on January 1st.

Keller stated that he sees this as an incredible opportunity to take a stand

for Christ within a block of the hallowed ground where the World Trade

Center Towers once stood, and give people a place where they can come to

pray and find true peace and hope at a time when so many lives are in



And so on.

Look, I understand that the Muslim angle — for want of a better phrase — has a lot to do with all of this, but it’s important to keep in mind that part of the reason why the Park51 project is offensive is that it’s an attempt to leech off the memory of 9/11 for a political (and financial) agenda. 

That’s one of the reasons I don’t like the term “ground zero mosque” — because it makes it sound like the primary objection is to the freedom of worship near ground zero. If this was just a mosque, with no larger agenda than to provide prayer-space for local Muslims, I truly would not care. But Park51 is intended to be some kind of 13 story Islamic Epcot Center. That’s what has always offended me about it. Imam Rauf has a much bigger agenda than merely giving local Muslim cab drivers, store owners and stock brokers a convenient prayer room.  And letting him pursue that agenda so close to ground zero is simply in poor taste (it is not “surrender” to Islam or anything like that).

Keller’s project strikes me as just as tasteless, perhaps even more so, because it’s so obviously a publicity stunt intended to heighten interfaith tensions. On the other hand it’s also utterly predictable, which is why I continue to believe the biggest outrage in this whole affair is the staggering stupidity of Michael Bloomberg and the Obama administration for letting it come to this in the first place.

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