The Corner

I’m Not Angry

I had a pretty firm policy of answering all my NRO email. Sometimes just a line or two, but I remember that feeling of sending a note off into the ether to someone and just never knowing whether or not it was even seen. I wanted folks to know I read what they had to say, and so often I really did appreciate the effort it took to write me.

And now you movie nerds have ruined it. I can’t personally respond to the 78 emails I came home to last night. Sorry, but this will have to


I’m glad you agree with me on Tombstone. “Wyatt Earp’s coming and Hell’s coming with me!” is a great line. Dana Delany is kind of pretty, but seriously bad in that movie. I’ll give Big Trouble in Little China a try. Buckaroo Banzai is wacky fun, but not really good at all. Remo Williams was okay, if I’m thinking of the right movie.

Red Dawn is cool, I was kidding. Karate Kid?

Warren BellWarren Bell was nominated June 20, 2006, by President George W. Bush to be a member of the Board of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting for the remainder of a ...
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