The Corner


I’m With Eric Jostrom

Republican presidential candidate Nations Nikki Haley speaks during her New Hampshire presidential primary election night rally in Concord, N.H., January 23, 2024. (Faith Ninivaggi/Reuters)

From Audrey’s report on last night’s vote:

Before the Granite State primary was called for Trump, Eric Jostrom of Sugar Hill, N.H., said Haley would be wise to continue picking up delegates in the event that Trump’s legal troubles complicate his path to the GOP nomination.

“Put it this way: Strange things happen,” said an optimistic Jostrom, gin and tonic in hand. “They seem to be getting stranger all the time. Supposing she’s out there, and she’s in the race, Trump gets sidelined for one reason or another. What happens is she’s got the field to herself.”

I liked this Jostrom fellow before I knew that he drank G&Ts. Now, I’m sold.

On Twitter, I have seen some of Trump’s fans suggest that what Jostrom says here is an argument that Nikki Haley cannot make aloud. Given that Haley alluded to it in her speech — “This court case, that controversy, this tweet, that senior moment. You can’t fix Joe Biden’s chaos with Republican chaos,” she said — this isn’t quite true. Still, given the state of the GOP, it’s probably true that she cannot make it as forcefully as she’d like to. Even in 2024, “vote for me in case Trump is indicted or dies” is unlikely to prevail as a campaign theme.

The thing is, though: it’s true. In the last few weeks, I’ve heard a few people ask me rhetorically, “So what’s Haley’s plan? To just stay in and rack up delegates in case something happens to Trump?” To which my instinctive response has been, “er . . . actually, yeah?” Trump is an overweight, lazy, deranged 77-year-old who is under indictment from all corners. It really is not beyond the pale to observe that a lot of bad things could happen to him before November. He could die. He could have a heart attack or a stroke. He could fall off a stage. He could be convicted. He could be jailed. In the NFL, teams often carry two backup quarterbacks. Wouldn’t it be a good idea for the Republican Party to carry at least one? “Strange things” do, indeed, “happen.” Providing that she has the money, Haley ought to stay in for as long as she can.

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