The Corner


From Boehner’s office this afternoon:

Today, House Republicans announced a set of five principles to be reflected in immigration reform legislation.  Republicans want to enact a strong bill that secures our borders and puts a premium on strict enforcement of our immigration laws.  The goal is to send a bill to President Bush that reflects these principles:

  • Republicans strongly support initiatives to secure our borders and provide additional resources to federal and state authorities to strengthen border patrol efforts.
  • Republicans strongly support strengthening enforcement and stiffening penalties for illegal immigrants who break our immigration laws.
  • Republicans support enforcing the law on employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants and holding them accountable.


  • Republicans oppose efforts to reward the behavior of illegal immigrants who have made the choice to break our laws.
  • Republicans believe the success of our country depends on newcomers obeying the law, assimilating into American society by learning English, and embracing our common identity as Americans.

Last December, the House approved a strong border security bill focused on strengthening the border and enforcing illegal immigration laws.  Unfortunately, Senate Democrats recently pushed a bill supported by Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA), rooted firmly in Capitol Hill Democrats’ agenda of opposing secure borders

There are four things all Americans should know about the Democrat Reid-Kennedy immigration bill:

*         As many as 60 million new immigrants will be allowed over the next twenty years.

*         Mexico would have to be consulted regarding the construction of a barrier at the border.

*         Guaranteed Social Security benefits would be provided for illegal immigrants for time they were in the country illegally.

*         Allows illegal immigrants to pay in-state tuition at state colleges and universities.

The Reid-Kennedy immigration bill is the wrong direction for our country, and exemplifies the notorious weakness of Capitol Hill Democrats on defense and border security issues. 

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