The Corner

Immigration Week

Last week was, among other things, immigration week in Derbland. Tuesday

morning I went to a Manhattan Institute bash, a panel discussion with

panelists Tamar Jacoby of the MI, John Fonte of the Hudson Institute, and

Peter Brimelow, who runs the VDARE immigration-restrictionist website. (All

three of them have written for NR or NRO at various times.) That one I have

written up for NRO, should be online in a day or two.

Then on Thursday I went to a lunch-presentation organized by Mark Krikorian

at the Center for Immigration Studies, to present an award to CNN’s Lou Dobbs.

Lou has been doing a series of pieces called “Broken Borders,” about our

loss of control over immigration. Also present was Rep. Tom Tancredo, the

most outspoken voice in Congress on immigration issues.

Attending these events, and talking to people at them, and about them, I get

the impression of a slow thaw going on, a gradual turn in the public mood.

What Peter Brimelow calls “The National Question” is not quite respectable

yet in mainstream politics. You won’t be hearing diddly about it from Bush

or Kerry between now and November, and if you poke your head up above the

parapet on this issue in the elite media, you will find yourself on the

Southern Poverty Law Center’s watch list faster than you can say “hate

group.” Yet more and more people in the Commentariat — people like Lou

Dobbs and Michelle Malkin — are willing to speak frankly and clearly about,

at least, the folly of not properly securing our country’s borders and entry

points. And with Sam Huntington’s new book, it is apparently OK now

for serious scholars to venture into the larger area of U.S. population


The eye-opener of Thursday’s event for me was a lady I found myself sitting

next to, Rachel Ehrenfeld, author of a book titled FUNDING TERROR. As NRO regulars know, Rachel is a leading

authority on how international terrorists finance their operations. As the

British and Irish govts have learned all too well this past 30 years in

Northern Ireland, terror and crime are inseparable. Rachel knows all the

details, including the nasty little secrets of international banking, for

whom the terror/drugs/crime nexus is big business — too big to ignore, and

mighty profitable.

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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