The Corner


In Defense of the Green Monster

Fans reach out to touch the “Green Monster” scoreboard during an open house at Fenway Park in Boston, Mass., in 2012. (Brian Snyder/Reuters)

I awaken from my longtime slumber on the Corner to address one of the more pressing issues of the day. Alexandra, speaking as a Yankees fan, laments that the Green Monster in my beloved Fenway Park — which John Updike famously called the “lyric little bandbox of a ballpark” — turns home run “smashes” into “measly doubles.” And this assertion is undoubtedly true, as Giancarlo Stanton and John Sterling would surely attest.

But as a Yankees fan, surely she knows that one of the most famous Yankee home runs of all time was a meager little fly ball hit by Bucky (expletive deleted) Dent — a non-“smash” that would have been a routine fly out in every other park in baseball, and perhaps a few little-league parks.

The Green Monster taketh. The Green Monster giveth away. And therein lies its mystery and majesty.

Shannen W. Coffin, a contributing editor to National Review, practices appellate law in Washington, D.C.
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