The Corner

The Inimitable Chapman Pincher

When I was coming of age, I learned a lot about the intelligence world from Chapman Pincher — the great Fleet Street journalist who wrote a slew of books. He was the scoop artist extraordinaire. He found out more secrets than anyone. He got some things wrong, but he got most things right. He has now died at 100. For the Telegraph obit, go here; for the New York Times obit, go here.

Embedded in the Telegraph obit is a video — of Pincher being interviewed as he approached 100. His style and clarity are utterly intact. We see that he never joined the cool libertarian kids. The interviewer asks, “What do you think of Edward Snowden?” Pincher answers, “Well, I think he’s a straightforward traitor and I would like to see him shot.”

R.I.P., old boy. And thanks.

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