The Corner

Injecting Reason into the Cash-for-Clunkers Debate

The boys at Reason are en fuego over Cash for Clunkers. First, Matt Welch takes on Andrew Sullivan’s contention that opposition to Cash for Clunkers shows that the GOP isn’t serious about limited government. (Yes, he actually wrote that):

I’m nobody’s conservative, but I’m pretty sure if I was telling conservatives how to think I wouldn’t admonish them for failing to champion limited government within two sentences of praising FDR’s pragmatism.

And earlier today, Radley Balko took on the The Daily Show for its fawning defense of the program:

Stewart’s interviewing skills are suffering, too. When he interviews people he disagrees with, he can be brilliant. When he interviews Democrats, he tends to sound like he’s hosting The Chris Farley Show. … Last night, Stewart mentioned the “Cash for Clunkers” program, and credulously and uncritically repeated the Obama administration’s line that the program as been an unqualified success. Now maybe the show has taken some real shots at Cash for Clunkers in prior episodes. I don’t watch regularly any more. Seems to me, though, there’s quite a bit of TDS sarcastic humor to be mined from all of this. You mean the government is offering people free money . . . and they’re taking it? And they’re measuring the program’s success by how many people . . . are willing to take free money? Shocker that it’s been so succesfull, huh?

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