The Corner

Inner-City Baltimore Caller to Ingraham: ‘Where Can I Get Asylum’ from Gang Violence?

Before members of Congress worry about helping Central American children escape from gang violence, they should address the “nightmare” of gang violence in the United States, Elaine, a caller from inner-city Baltimore, pleaded on Laura Ingraham’s radio show on Friday.

“I have gangs everywhere here in Baltimore — I can’t let my daughter ride her bicycle outside, I can’t do anything, Laura,” she said. ”Nobody cares about us.”

She blamed the media for its failure to report on the mass gang violence in the U.S., most notable in Chicago. Instead, politicians and commentators have spent the past weeks focusing on the crime-ridden areas in Central America, rather than focusing on the problems back home.

“Where can I get asylum? Where can I get refugee status?” Elaine said. “I don’t know what I can do.”

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