The Corner

National Review

Inside the January 27, 2020 Issue

The January 27, 2020 issue of National Review — commencing the year in which this venerable publication shall celebrate its 65th anniversary of historical athwart-standing — is ready and available, and, as is our custom, brimming with remarkable writing. If you will allow a few suggestions from the issue’s Table of Contents, here are four:

  • David Harsanyi’s review of conservative Never Trumpism — its past (including his own) and reduced present (he finds silliness in its remnants), as well as his take on the increasing derangement of the Left.
  • The important cover essay, Lyman Stone’s “Our Global Birth Dearth.” It’s a detailed analysis of the causes and consequences of a worldwide “baby bust,” and the problems facing policy prescriptions which seek to reverse the trend.
  • On the issue’s last (but not least) page, Kyle Smith performs “Happy Warrior” duties to recount a castigated Hollywood’s outrage over Ricky Gervais’s very un-PC putdowns while hosting the Golden Globes awards show.
  • Michael Doran’s review praising Rich Lowry’s acclaimed new book, The Case for Nationalism: How It Made Us Powerful, United, and Free.
  • Let’s add a bonus suggestion: Fred Siegel’s glowing review of Amity Shlaes’ Great-Society: A New History (he calls it “a powerful book”).

All these articles, and all articles from each and every National Review issue from the last decade, can be accessed and read by NRPLUS subscribers. If you are not one, well, you’re limited to reading just three magazine pieces in a month — a number you can blow through in a handful of minutes. There is a solution to hitting the paywall: Yep, it’s becoming an NRPLUS member, which you can do right here, right now.

Jack Fowler is a contributing editor at National Review and a senior philanthropy consultant at American Philanthropic.
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