The Corner

National Review

Inside the September 30, 2019, Issue

Yep, it’s the special, now-annual NR gun issue, and this year your favorite conservative magazine features five exceptional pieces that, alone or en masse, will have your unfriendly neighborhood progressive in a lather over yet another principled defense of a fundamental Constitutional right. Here’s a sampling of what’s in the special section: Robert VerBruggen scores the lead piece with an analysis of how many times (yeah, it’s many!) Americans resort to guns to defends themselves. That’s followed by Kevin Williamson’s piece scrutinizing the habit of suing gun manufacturers when their products are used in crimes and David Kopel’s essay on how courts are failing to follow the SCOTUS Heller precedent to uphold Second Amendment rights.

Elsewhere in the issue, John J. Miller profiles the GOP’s likely wicked-good U.S. Senate candidate in New Hampshire, retired brigadier general Don Bolduc; and Timothy Sandefur clarifies that from the time quill met parchment, the Constitution has been seen as a threat to slavery. And for something completely different, “Athwart” columnist James Lileks recounts tooling around Fargo, N.D., burning gas and observing content people. Damn!

An appeal: If you are not an NRPLUS member, you can read a few of these pieces, kept behind a paywall, gratis. But once you hit the limit, well – no mas. You don’t want to be no mas-ed. You want to be muy mas-ed! Toto mas-ed! To do that, become an NRPLUS subscriber. Do that here.

NR Staff comprises members of the National Review editorial and operational teams.
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