The Corner

Insipid Women

Never mind that Che Guevara wouldn’t hesitate to slit their throats, it’s just such a clever fashion statement.

Actress-mommies Jennifer Connelly and Kate Hudson have both bought the Che tees, which are distributed by, an online supplier to stores like Sam & Seb, the bustling children’s boutique in Williamsburg, and Lolli’s in Park ­Slope. “I don’t think many of our customers are Communists,” said Harald Husum, Appaman’s founder, a Carroll Gardens resident with a 2-year-old daughter. According to Mr. Husum, he’s sold nearly 6,000 Che products since his company was launched in 2002, despite a smattering of protests from Cuban-Americans. “The whole idea behind the company was to put traditional grown-up images on babies,” Mr. Husum said. “This is not at all a political statement, it’s a fashion statement. Che’s image has a rock ‘n’ roll edge to it that we’re looking for.”

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