The Corner

Law & the Courts

Introducing the Greatest New Podcast To Launch This Week

It is with great pleasure that I announce the launch of my new podcast, “The Liberty Files.” It’s a weekly dive into the fight for our fundamental freedoms. I’ll be speaking to folks who’ve fought the good fight on the ground, to the writers and thinkers who battle for liberty in the world of ideas, and to (if they’ll come on the show) thoughtful advocates from the other side of the ideological aisle. After all, we should all care about liberty, right?

Oh, and make no mistake, it’s going to be about all the liberty. We’ll talk free speech, free exercise of religion, the Second Amendment, due process, the surveillance state (yep, we’ll deal with “unmasking”), and we’ll dive into the thorny topics, like what the opioid crisis means for advocates of drug legalization.

There’s lots to cover, but you have to start somewhere, so let’s start with campus craziness. My first guest is Mike Adams, a professor at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, a columnist over at Townhall, and a man who sued his school for retaliating against his conservative viewpoint . . . and won.

Please subscribe. It’s in all the right places, like iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and TuneIn. Thanks in advance for listening.

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