The Corner

An Ironic Strike in Ohio

File this under “too good to be true”: Due to its failure to meet the demands of its employees regarding their pensions, health-care benefits, job security, and workloads, the Ohio Education Association (OEA) got hit with a strike by 109 of its 220 employees today. This strike can only mean that the greed so often associated with corporations has made its way into the boardrooms of America’s unions. Our reporters were there to cover the OEA strike. Look for the priceless quote from Amber Kirkwood, the vice president of communication, at 0:44 in the video.

Thankfully, because the OEA doesn’t actually do anything, the strike is having no impact on the millions of Ohio children who went back to school over the last two weeks.

Matt A. Mayer is president of the Buckeye Institute.

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