The Corner

Politics & Policy

Is America Finally Ready to Make Needed Higher-Ed Changes?

Our higher-education system has been hijacked by the far left, to be used to spread beliefs inimical to our traditions and make students ready to support their radical transformation of the country.

Could it be that people have finally realized how bad things are?

In today’s Martin Center article, Rick Hess and Michael McShane argue that many have and it’s time for a big counterattack.

The authors begin:

“Finally.” It’s a word those who’ve spent years sounding the alarm about the plight of higher education have been saying a lot lately. Finally, the thought-policing and groupthink have become undeniable. Finally, the cost of toxic dogmas is coming clear. Finally, the bloat and cartel-like behavior is being seen for what it is.

I think they’re correct. The disgusting events since the Hamas assault have opened a lot of eyes. The higher-ed establishment is in bad odor, and its usual defenses aren’t holding up. What can we do to help knock them down?

Hess and McShane continue:

Especially in a culture currently obsessed with clickbait and claims of victimhood, it’s tempting to pose as a Cassandra, catering to angry funders and counter-punching the mighty education blob. And there’s certainly a place for that. But that’s a rejoinder, not an agenda. America needs a thriving system of higher education in order to retain her place as the world’s economic, social, and democratic powerhouse. Our best-known colleges and universities, in particular, have a crucial role to play in advancing research in the hard sciences and serving as training grounds for future leaders in commerce, civil society, and government.

To restore our higher-ed institutions to their proper, useful role, we need to clean out the toxic DEI ideology that impedes learning and undermines research. That tumor won’t be easily excised, but it must be done.

Read the whole thing.

George Leef is the the director of editorial content at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. He is the author of The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale: A Political Fable for Our Time.
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