The Corner


Is There Any Rotten Regime That the Hungarians Won’t Cuddle?

Hungary’s Viktor Orbán shakes hands with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin during a meeting in Beijing, October 17, 2023. (Sputnik / Grigory Sysoyev / Pool via Reuters)

I don’t have any particularly warm and fuzzy feelings towards the Hungarian government, and I think the skeptics and critics of the regime, like our Jack Butler, Jimmy Quinn, Luther Ray Abel, Dan McLaughlin, and Jay Nordlinger have a stronger argument than the Viktor Orbán cheerleaders.

But even if you can forgive meeting with and shaking hands with Vladimir Putin, and even if you can shrug off talking up a long-term security agreement with Chinese dictator Xi Jinping . . .

. . . going over to Tehran and signing a trade agreement with the Mullahs? Really? You just had to reach a deal with the biggest sponsor of Hamas a couple of months after the October 7 massacre?

What’s next, a trade deal with North Korea?

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