The Corner

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Short History Lesson

At his Pajamas blog, Encounter Books publisher Roger Kimball presents a brief video history lesson on Palestinian statehood — a history in which Israel and the West continually offer the Palestinians everything they’d need or want to live in peace, and the Palestinians make clear that there will be no peace as long as the Jewish state exists. The video runs less than 12 minutes, and I highly recommend it. 

The history is gleaned from a fabulous new addition to Encounter’s Broadside series. It is called, “A Century of Palestinian Rejectionism and Jew Hatred,” by Sol Stern. In it, Sol blows to smithereens the fiction that it is Israel which has been the obstacle to Middle East Peace. According to the Encounter site, you can get it for a tad over 4 bucks. A steal — and one that couldn’t be more timely.

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