The Corner

Israeli Tour Bus Bombed In Bulgaria

From the JPOST:

Three Israelis were killed and many injured when a bomb exploded on an Israeli tourist bus at the airport of the Bulgarian city of Burgas on Wednesday.

The bus was carrying Israeli tourists who landed in Bulgaria at a 4:45 p.m.

Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman spoke with Bulgarian Foreign Minister Nikolay Mladenov in relation to the explosion.

Mladenov is heading to the site of the blast and said that he will bring Liberman up to date when he arrives.

Liberman called for an immediate meeting at the Foreign Ministry’s situation room to discuss the issue with the relevant bodies.

The Israeli embassy in Bulgaria is also participating in the issue.

In January, a suspicious package found on a bus carrying Israeli tourists from Turkey to Bulgaria led Israel to request boosted security for its citizens traveling in the country, according to reports in the Bulgarian press.

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