The Corner

The Issue Is Security

On our podcast this week, Mona Charen and I have a guest: Michael Rubin, the foreign-policy analyst. He gives us very straight talk about the Islamic State, and what we are doing in response.

Mona and I discuss a slew of other questions, including the return of the “security moms.” These are American women who are concerned about security and cast their votes accordingly. Also, did you hear that a Justice Department leak intended for Elijah Cummings went to Darrell Issa by mistake? Mona has the goods.

We do some remembering of 9/11. In particular, we remember the bravery and example of the passengers aboard Flight 93. They are just about the best of us.

In a lighter moment, I mention a couple of rap songs. They just come up naturally. One of them is “Things That Make You Go Hmmm . . .” We don’t go out on that music, though. We go out on Debussy’s Arabesque No. 2. This nifty little piece is often overlooked in favor of No. 1, which is one of the most famous piano pieces ever composed. But No. 2 is definitely an adornment to life.

To join us, and Debussy, go here.

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