The Corner

It Is Over

I think J-Pod is right to conclude in today’s NY Post that Hillary Clinton has now essentially clinched the Democratic nomination. In addition to the recent evidence he provides, I would add the decision earlier this week by the most aggressively political labor union, the SEIU, not to endorse in the race. The John Edwards strategy was always predicated on labor backing and strong showings not only in Iowa but in his native South Carolina and in union-heavy Nevada. He retains a strong following among union activists but the leaders won’t make what they now consider a high-risk bet. Barack Obama’s entry into the race helped Clinton immensely by splitting the liberal and Clinton-skeptic primary vote, but he was never going to be the nominee this year. It’s over.

The GOP contest is a different matter. Entirely unpredictable.

John Hood — Hood is president of the John William Pope Foundation, a North Carolina grantmaker. His latest book is a novel, Forest Folk (Defiance Press, 2022).
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