The Corner

It’s Okay to Blame Jews!

A much coveted NRO no-prize to the person who can predict where I’m going with this post without reading further. No takers? Okay, let’s move on.

Yesterday’s Washington Post had an interesting story about the real estate boom in Harlem. Gentrification is forcing renters out of their homes, etc etc.

The black community is somewhat split on the influx of money — and whites — into the neighborhood. Gentrification helps the black middle class, hurts low income residents. Again, etc etc etc.

One African-American buisnesswoman is delighted by the rapid growth in property values, and not just because it helps her bottom line. The owner of a fluorishing art gallery explains, “I grew up in South Bend, Indiana, hearing stories of the Harlem Renaissance — it represents the beauty of my people,” she said. “This is Harlem,” she added. “This is what Harlem was.

Her name: Martha Reeves Jews.

That’s right. Ms. Jews is pushing the bourgeoisification of Harlem.

Al Sharpton should seize on this right away. All of that hullabaloo about him blaming the profit-hungry Jews for ruining Harlem was a misunderstanding! He was talking about the Jews not “the Jews.” Shweeooo.

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