The Corner

It’s Palin

An e-mail:

I think Obama’s pick of Biden coupled with his decision not to vet Hillary has given McCain a huge and I MEAN HUGE opportunity to tip this election his way.  If McCain chooses a woman, especially a pro-life, conservative, out of the beltway type for VP (Sarah Palin being the best of the bunch) he would energize the conservative base AND siphon off enough disgruntled Hillary voters to win this election.  I think a Palin pick would nudge just a small enough percentage of disaffected, swing state, working class, soccer Mom-type Hillary supporters to tilt the playing field McCain’s way in Ohio, Michigan, Florida and maybe even Pennsylvania.

If McCain can nab 10-15 percent of Hillary’s primary voters (which seems within reach after Clinton’s down in the mouth body language today and Carville and Begala’s ‘she was never vetted’ bent out of whack public postures on CNN), he wins this thing comfortably. 

He may very well still get to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. with a Romney or a Pawlenty, but I think a bold choice like Palin would go for the jugular and win this election with some real conviction.

The reader makes a case, but I’m more convinced this morning it will be Romney. Romney can take Biden, and will be a happy warrior doing so.  

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