The Corner

Jeff Sessions: ‘The Elites Have Had Their Day’

Senator Jeff Sessions (R., Ala.) called for Republicans to embrace “a humble and honest populism” as they consider changing immigration law and writing a budget that will balance in ten years.

“The elites have had their day. It is time for the middle class to have theirs,” Sessions said Wednesday.  “A billionaire activist has just one vote—a vote no greater than that of the truck driver or the plumber.”

Sessions spoke at the Calvin Coolidge Foundation Budget Conference and invoked the back-in-vogue Republican president’s immigration policies, specifically his preference for a smaller pool of labor in order to drive up wages for workers.

“We need to help people get off of welfare, off of unemployment, and into good-paying jobs,” Sessions said. “But the immigration bill championed by the president doubles the rate at which foreign workers are brought into the U.S. What sense does it make to spend billions sustaining Americans on welfare while bringing in millions of lower-wage workers to fill jobs in their place? Doesn’t it make more sense to use the welfare office, instead of the immigration office, as a job placement center?”

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