The Corner

Jeff Sessions to GOP: No Money for Obama’s Amnesty

Senator Jeff Sessions (R., Ala.) wants Congress to withhold funding for the implementation of President Obama’s expected executive orders, either in the lame-duck session or the next Congress.

“A long-term funding bill that does not deal with President Obama’s unconstitutional overreach, adopted before a single newly elected Republican is sworn-in, would be to acquiesce to the President’s unlawful action,” Sessions said in an apparent warning to House Republicans inclined to pass a year-long appropriations bill. “This executive amnesty scheme will give work permits, photo IDs, and Social Security numbers to millions of illegal immigrants—taking jobs directly from unemployed Americans.” 

Sessions suggested that he would support a short-term continuing resolution to fund government until next year, when Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) will relinquish control of the Senate.

“If Reid will not take up a long-term bill with these restrictions, then we should pass a short term CR so our new majority can include such language after it takes office,” Sessions said.

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