The Corner


Jennifer Rubin Needed Something to Write About

Today, I am both happy and sad for the Washington Post. I am happy because they took a step toward truth-telling when Democratic columnist Jennifer Rubin dropped the “conservative” modifier from her Twitter bio. I am sad because they paid an employee to ostensibly write a column about her Twitter bio.

I say ostensibly because really, she just wrote the same column that she has been writing ever since Trump took office. Rubin made the decision to change how she describes herself, she explains, because “there is no conservative movement or party today.” She expressed a similar disdain for those who associate with the Republican Party in this column, and this one, and this one. And this is just a sample of her work since August. Being pro-choice, an opponent of the Second Amendment, and a huge fan of Senator Kamala Harris, Rubin is by no common understanding of the word a “conservative.” Let’s give her credit for finally acknowledging that publicly.

Jennifer Rubin says that she changed her Twitter bio today because she has come to realize that the conservative movement is dead. I suspect that she just needed an excuse to write her weekly screed. This week’s hook didn’t make it any more insightful.

Isaac Schorr is a staff writer at Mediaite and a 2023–2024 Robert Novak Journalism Fellow at the Fund for American Studies.
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