The Corner

Jim DeMint on Board for NRI Summit

The about-to-retire senator and incoming boss of the Heritage Foundation will be joining an already spectacular line-up this January 25 to 27 at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, when the National Review Institute hosts the got-to-be-there Future of Conservatism Summit. So far the line-up of confirmed speakers, on hand to assess the conservative movement’s priorities and forge the way ahead, includes governors Scott Walker and Bobby Jindal, senator-elect Ted Cruz, Representative Paul Ryan, Charles Krauthammer, Mark Steyn, former representative Artur Davis, Hugh Hewitt, Michael Mukasey, Mia Love, Ralph Reed, Arthur Brooks, Robert Costa, Andy McCarthy, John Allison, Monica Crowley, Kathryn Jean Lopez, Reihan Salam, Kellyanne Conway, Travis Brown, Paul Ryan, Ted Cruz, Charles Krauthammer, Michael Mukasey, Rich Lowry, Mona Charen, Peter Thiel, John Fund, Mark Krikorian, Jay Nordlinger, John O’Sullivan, Heather Higgins, Charles Kesler, James Pethokoukis, Darcy Olsen, Rob Long, Ed Whelan, John Hood, with more confirming daily. There will be speeches, panel sessions, debates, two “Night Owls,” and, guaranteed, plenty of inspiration. The cost for the Summit is only $250.00 (which includes all meals, receptions, and participation at all events), and the Omni has special discounted hotel rates. Sign up today here.

Jack Fowler is a contributing editor at National Review and a senior philanthropy consultant at American Philanthropic.
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