The Corner

Jindal: Why GOP Should Reject Tax Increases as Means of Avoiding Sequester

“Why not agree to some more revenues to go along with cuts?” NBC’s David Gregory asked Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal regarding sequestration on this morning’s edition of Meet the Press. Jindal, along with Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick, joined Gregory to discuss the sequester’s impact on the states. 

“There’s never enough revenues, never enough taxes for this administration,” Jindal responded. “We’re for growing the American economy, not the government economy.” He pointed to the tax increases enacted last month in the fiscal cliff deal as an indication of the GOP’s support for a “balanced approach” to fiscal problems. “Now’s the time to start shrinking our spending so that we can grow the private-sector economy, not the government economy,” he said.

In a line that seems crafted for a 2016 stump speech, Jindal told Gregory that, under President Obama, “You’ve seen the greed of Wall Street replaced with the greed of Washington, D.C.” 

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