The Corner


Johnson (Daniel) on Johnson (Paul)

Paul Johnson in London, March 9, 2005 (Alan Davidson/Wikimedia)

Paul Johnson, the great historian and journalist, passed away in January. (For my appreciation of him, go here.) He is the subject of my latest Q&A. What a rich, deep, fascinating subject he is. My guest is Daniel Johnson, who knows the subject well. He is a journalist, who has worked at the Times, the Telegraph, and elsewhere. He was the founding editor of Standpoint magazine. He is the founding editor of The Article. And he is one of Paul and Marigold Johnson’s four children.

We talk about Paul Johnson’s origins. His flaming red hair. (It was silver by the time I knew him.) His experience in France. His turn from left to right — what he kept, what he adjusted (perhaps). His articles, his books. His relationships with Margaret Thatcher and others. His relationship with art, and music. His love of Israel. His love of America. The Presidential Medal of Freedom, bestowed upon him by George W. Bush, a reader and fan. Etc.

Yes, a great subject, and Daniel Johnson is wonderfully insightful and articulate. Again, here.

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