The Corner

Johnson Explains His Obamacare ‘Transitioning’ Comments from NR Sitdown

Following his recent visit to the National Review offices this week, when he called for a focus on “transitioning” from Obamacare rather than repealing it, Senator Ron Johnson (R., Wis.) took to MSNBC to explain what he meant.

“We should repeal the law — that’s still my goal — but the fact of the matter is we have to start dealing with the reality of the situation,” Johnson said on The Daily Rundown Thursday, noting that the law won’t be repealed under a Democratic White House and Senate. “Obamacare exists — what’re we going do with it? How are we going to limit its damage?”

Regarding state-based exchanges, for which he’s expressed some support, Johnson said he opposed the exchanges in their current form, but suggested that the idea itself could be worth exploring.

“I’m just talking about the concept of certain types of marketplaces that can help individuals access the free market,” he said. Among the changes, Johnson’s ideal marketplaces wouldn’t have any kind of of mandate and would allow customers to shop across state lines.

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