The Corner

National Review

Join the Party, at NRPlus

National Review founder William F. Buckley with Reagan at a presidential birthday party, 1986.

If you read The Corner or listen to NR Podcasts, you probably know by now that you should join NRPlus. Maybe it’s another item on the long list of things that are in the back of your mind to do some day at some point when you have time. You should clean out that closet, call that old friend, and join NRPlus.

You might even dimly recall the benefits. NRPlus includes invites to exclusive conference calls with the writers and editors of National Review, and membership in a private Facebook group, where members and NR personalities discuss articles together. You also get full access to the digital version of NR.

But here’s the reason I’d join if I were in your shoes: the parties.

Since its founding, National Review has always had to solicit support from its subscribers to keep the lights on. And similarly since its founding, this institution has had a social component to it. Parties, get-togethers, happy hours, concerts, hosted by our founder Bill Buckley. NRPlus is your way of getting on the invite list.

We recently held an NRPlus members-only party here in National Review’s midtown New York offices. We’ll be holding similar events around the country in the coming months and years.

Taking that New York event as a guide, I can guarantee you that so long as you aren’t a wallflower, you will make new friends at an NRPlus event, with fellow members and patrons like yourself, and with the staff. I did. And my inbox is filling up with new correspondents, new acquaintances, new friends. Conservatism is committed to high principles, but it commits to them through real living communities. NRPlus is your way of joining this community.

Oh! And you get a better experience on NRO, with up to a 90 percent reduction in ads.  This is a no-brainer. Join today.

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