The Corner

Politics & Policy

Kate O’Beirne, RIP

Jonah mentioned what a generous mentor Kate was. I can personally attest to this. I doubt I would have become editor of NR or survived the daunting task of working for Bill Buckley at the helm of his beloved magazine if it hadn’t been for Kate’s friendship, counsel, and wisdom. She was funny, warm, creative, generous, and might have been the most persuasive person I’ve ever known. She was also an incredibly acute political analyst, and often anyone here going on TV to do punditry checked in with her to borrow a witty line, a prediction, or an opinion. She loved her family and I remember in particular one story she delighted telling about one of her small granddaughters who went to Chuck E. Cheese’s and was so scared–not unreasonably–of the mouse mascot that she insisted on leaving the restaurant. Driven off to safety by Phil, her dad, she was relieved until a worrisome thought occurred to her: “Daddy,” she asked, “can the mouse drive?” I can hear Kate laughing over it now. RIP.

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